For you created my inmost being, you knit me together in my mothers womb. Psalm 139:13
Little Bean, that's what we have been calling you! Your dad occasionally calls you 'Mr Bean' and I have to remind him that we don't know that for sure yet! I do feel like your'e a boy though! I don't know why :) mothers instinct I guess! If you are a boy we plan to call you Malakai Daniel. In my head I have been calling you that for a while already though!
Its my birthday tomorrow, but I hardly remembered, I am so focussed on your birthday and yet we have a whole 7 months to wait still! I am about 7 or so weeks pregnant, but we wont know for sure until our scan. Only 2 days to wait until we see you - see if your heart is beating and whether you are growing in the right place. I am so scared - I just know the world will stop spinning in that moment where we wait to see if your heart is beating. You mean so much to us already. God is so good to give us you to treasure - I pray every day that He lets us look after you for a long time. It would hurt too much to have to say goodbye so soon!
Your daddy invited some people over yesterday for a surprise pizza party for me. He is so good to me! I was feeling so sick, and it really cheered me up :) The house was filled with lots of little people - and it made me smile to think that it wouldn't be long until you would be running around in our lives.

I think Oscar knows that your'e in there because he has become really attached to my belly lately!
I cant wait to see you on Wednesday - until then, keep growing strong! We love you so much already!
Lots of love,
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