Your eyes saw my unformed body, all the days ordained for me were written in your book, before even one of them came to be. Psalm 139:16
Little Bean,
I am so in love with every little bit of you - who knew I could love someone so small in such a BIG way. It amazes me so much! Kind of a reflection, a very small reflection, of how much God loves us!
We also have this little video, where you can see your heart flickering away - its not very clear - I think we were too beside ourselves with excitement to be able to do anything that required fine motor skills - but I am glad we have the memory recorded at least :)
I cant wait to see you again - we have to wait a WHOLE month which feels like an absolute eternity away! But when we do finally get to it, they will be able to tell us roughly when you might be in our arms! I am pretty excited about that. According to my calculations, that should be about 10th July 2014 - we will soon know!
We love you so much little one,
Love from,