Thursday, 31 October 2013

Our Rainbow after the Storm...

The Lord is trustworthy in all He promises, and faithful in all He does! 

Psalm 145:13b

Some say that 7 is the perfect number. 7 days in a week. God rested on the 7th day. 7 years of abundance, 7 years of famine.... There are lots of 7's...I could go through the bible and dig them all up - But we would be here all day. For me, right now... 7 means heartache. 7 exciting moments of positive pregnancy tests, followed by 7 early pregnancy losses! 

You my child, are my 8th! And I am filled with so much hope. Your'e my rainbow. The answer to prayer, a promise fulfilled. I feel like maybe I am being premature in allowing myself to hope so soon, after all, I have no way of knowing how long you will be with me. But I have decided, to not live in fear, but to celebrate every moment I have with you - No matter how short our time may be! Every moment is so precious, and although the world may not acknowledge you yet, you are already my child, known and loved by me, by your dad, and by God! I've only known about you for 3 days, yet already I am so excited! So in love with you! Today I woke up excited to test and see that you are in fact real! Not just my imagination! And YES! You are there, you are growing...and I couldn't be happier, nor more grateful to God! 

Test after test, you remained there.... until eventually, I finally give in and believe that you are indeed here to stay! Here begins a wonderful journey, one that I am so glad to be travelling. I cant wait to meet you! 

All my love, 